Bekr Al-Quran

We are a team to learn the Qur'an, the Arabic language and Islamic studies


Happy Student



Years of experience


Live lessons via the Internet, in which the student meets the teacher with audio and video, and the student interacts with the teacher well so that the student can understand and assimilate

We look forward to learning the Noble Qur’an and facilitating its memorization and adjusting its recitation for every Muslim in the world without much effort

  • We allow the student to choose the appropriate class time for the student
  • We allow the student to choose the appropriate package from the number of hours per week
  • We allow the student to choose the appropriate days of the week to study

It is no secret to anyone the importance of Quranic circles and schools - in society - through which the members of society are raised and taught the Holy Qur’an (reading - intonation - and contemplation) and are brought up on its sublime teachings and etiquette, in a way that benefits them, and the Islamic nation, with goodness in this world and the Hereafter.

Good Learning

Live lessons taught by professional professional teachers from Egypt and Our teachers are qualified from Al-Azhar University


Lively conversation so that the student can understand and Our packages are suitable for all times in all countries

Our Plan

The student's level is determined in the first class, through a quick test in which we determine his level in the four language skills, reading, writing, speaking and listening.

the Arabic language is the language of the Qur’an.

Therefore, in our keenness to spread the teaching of the Arabic language, we try hard to provide the available means in order to be able to teach children and adults this language, and as we know that children who grow up in these environments do not speak the Arabic language and may find it difficult to learn it. Therefore, we, Start Ayat Academy, provided easy ways to teach This language so we saved

  • Teachers who excel in teaching the Arabic language and graduated from Al-Azhar University.
  • The teachers also speak English and French fluently so that they can communicate with the children.
  • There is also a follow-up from the administration to facilitate the attendance process and provide entertainment ways for children to enjoy attending with us.

The language of the Qur’an and the language of the people of Paradise is from a foremost aspect that Muslims should be keen to learn and brag about in it, because God singled it out in the language of the Qur’an, as God Almighty said in His Book (with a clear Arabic tongue).

God singled out our Master Muhammad for the Noble Qur’an

The Qur’an is verses and miracles, some of which are cosmic signs that indicate the greatness of God, and some of them are etiquette and morals that a Muslim learns, including challenges for those with the Arabic language. To this day, the world discovers miracles, but they discover that the Holy Qur’an has mentioned them since ancient times, and the Qur’an relaxes the heart and mind and heals the hearts of believers. The Qur’an from childhood, because it is the method of the Muslim in his life for that

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  • Our teachers are graduates from Al-Azhar University and hold a license in the Holy Quran
  • They are also fluent in teaching Tajweed in English and French
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  • There is also an explanation of the meanings of the verses and the reasons for revelation so that the student understands the meaning of what he reads and memorizes

The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to Ali bin Talib, may God be pleased with him, that God guides for you a man better than a red camel. Therefore, we want you to have the honor of guiding your children to teach the Qur’an, because the memorizer of the Qur’an will have a great place on the Day of Resurrection, as stated in the command of the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace. And may God’s prayers and peace be upon him: Whoever recites the Qur’an and acts according to it, his parents will be given a crown on the Day of Resurrection

Etiquette, ethics, and dealing with people,

The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, is the best educational teacher, and he taught Muslims the meaning of morals and their dealings with others, and he was always keen to raise Muslims to deal well with fathers and mothers. That is why the Prophet said when a man asked him, “Who is the most deserving of my companions?” He said, “Your mother.” He said, “Then who?” He said, “Your mother.” He said, “Then who.” He said, “Your mother.” He said, “Then who?” He said, “Then your father.” So if a Muslim behaves well with his father and mother, he behaves well with others.

  • Teachers are keen on the student's commitment to maintaining prayer and politeness with his father and mother and dealing with others
  • There are also special books for children and systematic books for adults
  • Children's books are also integrated with moral images so that the Muslim child can benefit from them

The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was the character of the Qur’an, so it is obligatory for us to abide by the morals of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and as it was reported on the authority of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab that throughout his Islamic life he memorized Surat Al-Baqara only. Which of the verses of Surat Al-Qur’an I used to work with and implement its rulings, and when I adhered to it, I memorized the ones after it These are people who have preserved the Qur’an and religion in their hearts. May God gather us with them on the Day of Resurrection, God willing


Check our Services

Prophet's hadith

Introducing students to the difference between the texts of the Holy Quran and the texts of the Sunnah, and giving them the ability to differentiate between them

Jurisprudence subject

Training students to derive rulings from the Holy Quran and the Prophet’s Sunnah in an innovative way that will help them memorize the rulings of the Holy Quran

Islamic faith

Believing that God alone has the right to legislate so that female students are brought up to reject all ideas and superstitions that are contrary to Islam.

Ethics and politeness

The learner should familiarize himself with selected texts related to the basics of daily dealings with others (peace etiquette, visits, councils...)

Sarah Radwan


I love Bakr Quran Academy because I love studying with my teacher who teaches us the Holy Quran and the Arabic language, me and my little brother, and he plays with us nicely and always smiles and makes us smile

Nada khalid


For the first time, I try online education at home. In fact, it is an exciting and unique experience that saved me a lot of time and also helped me use my free time for useful things. The teacher is excellent and I want my children to do more lessons.

Abdelrahman yassen


My son has been with the Bakr Quran Academy Foundation for about three months, on the Internet only. We are in Canada and the institution is in Cairo. My son is seven years old and was born in Canada. By virtue of our residence in Canada, he never knows the letters or the Holy Qur’an at all. Praise be to God. I put my trust in God and you registered with this institution. Praise be to God, my son now knows all the letters and memorized a number of surahs from the Holy Qur’an. Praise be to God, my son is in the stage of collecting words. This is a great achievement for my son because he is late in speaking and does not focus on distraction. And the treatment of teachers and the principal is at the top of morals, decency and respect.


Check our Team

Ali Talaba

Teaching assistant at Al-Azhar Al-Sharif Scope of Islamic translation in English

Nada Mustafa

Experience in teaching the Holy Qur’an, Sharh Nour al-Bayan, Matn al-Jazariya, and Tuhfat al-Atfal for 9 years

Shams Ihab

holds a diploma in generational engineering from the Islamic University of Minnesota, USA


Check our Pricing

First package

$30 / month

  • lessons : 60 minutes
  • 1 lessons per week
  • Follow up all the month

Third package

$90 / month

  • lessons : 60 minutes
  • 3 lessons per week
  • Follow up all the month

Fourth package

$120 / month

  • lessons : 60 minutes
  • 4 lessons per week
  • Follow up all the month

First package

$23 / month

  • lessons : 45 minutes
  • 1 lessons per week
  • Follow up all the month

Third package

$69 / month

  • lessons : 45 minutes
  • 3 lessons per week
  • Follow up all the month

Fourth package

$92 / month

  • lessons : 45 minutes
  • 4 lessons per week
  • Follow up all the month

First package

$15 / month

  • lessons : 30 minutes
  • 1 lessons per week
  • Follow up all the month

Third package

$45 / month

  • lessons : 30 minutes
  • 3 lessons per week
  • Follow up all the month

Fourth package

$60 / month

  • lessons : 30 minutes
  • 4 lessons per week
  • Follow up all the month


Contact Us

Our Address

Cairo - Egypt

Email Us

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2010 7088 2091